F your beauty standards

I first started Style Me Sunday almost 6 years ago because I didn’t see enough women who represented me in the clothes I wanted to wear, so I thought I would get off my back side and do something about it.

It has now evolved into something more. Having children has really opened up my eyes to the ways society works and it’s made me braver and more insistent on being a force for change.

I want to show my daughters that there is not one type of beauty. That what we are told are ‘flaws’ are in fact just another part of our bodies, as innocuous as the hair on our heads.

Ironically, I actually want us to stop talking about our bodies so much, stop talking about the need to diet, stop fat shaming, or skinny shaming, stop the body loathing, because there are so many more important things to be occupying our time with, but I feel the only to do that is by showing more of mine.

By saying ‘hey look at me, this is one type of body that you may not see often, but it’s just as beautiful and it doesn’t need to be hidden away.'

I want to normalise cellulite, stretch marks, rolls, different body types, different abilities, I want to encourage more people to be proud of theirs and their uniqueness and I can only do that if I show that I’m proud of mine.

We are all different, we are all valid, we are all worthy, and dare we even think it, but we are all beautiful.

Love Nat x

Nat sat on her bed in underwear with sunlight

Beyonce and her FUPA